Palette surgeonfish
Paracanthurus hepatusOne of the stars of the tanks. Already highly valued by aquariophiles, it became famous for its role as Dory in the cartoon "Finding Nemo". An American team managed to successfully breed them experimentally in 2017.
The pattern of the black lines evolves with age: Among juveniles, the lower black line doesn’t connect with the top one. It then extends to form a blue olive shape completely encircled by black. There is no difference in shape and colour between male and female. The juveniles take refuge in coral colonies when danger presents itself. Like all surgeonfish, it has some very sharp scales at the base of its tail, which it uses to defend itself. The top-view photo shows them being deployed.

Paracanthus hepatus juvenile dans un Acropora en compagnie de demoiselles Dascyllus carneus © Frédéric Fasquel

Paracanthus hepatus avec les 2 scalpels déployés © Frederic Fasquel

Paracanthus hepatus juvenile à l'abri dans le corail © Frédéric Fasquel