Pearl freshwater stingray
Potamotrygon jabutiBaby shower. Over thirty of these little stingrays have been born here, illustrating the Tropical Aquarium’s conservation mission. And it continues: births take place every 4 months or so.
This species of freshwater stingray was only recently described. It is very similar to Potamotrygon leopoldi and Potamotrygon motoro, and can crossbreed with those species. The population at the Tropical Aquarium carries the albinism allele. Occasionally, albino stingrays are born at the Aquarium.

Potamotrygon jabuti albinos sub adulte © Frédéric Fasquel

Potamotrygon jabuti jeune née à l'aquarium, agée de 1 an, soeur de la raie albinos ci-dessus © Fréderic Fasquel
Main photo credit : Raie d'eau douce perlée - Potamotrygon jabuti *
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